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The Monstera Borsigiana Albo might be the most sought-after of all Monstera species - and as a result, it can be quite expensive and hard to obtain. Many plant-lovers are drawn in by its spectacular green and white variegated leaves, standing in stunning contrast to the uniform greens of better-known monstera varieties.

  • Bright Indirect Sunlight
  • Between 65 and 80F, With Humidity Between 70 and 85%
  • Water Once The Top 2-3 Inches Of Soil Feel Dry
  • Especially Toxic To Animals, But Can Also Induce Burning, Swelling, And Pain In Mouth If Ingested By Humans.
  • Loose, Aerated, Well-Draining Soil. An Even Mix Of Regular Soil, Orchid Bark, And Perlite.
  • Indoor Plants Will Grow Between 6.5 and 10’.

In-Depth Care Guide

The Monstera borsigiana albo is one of the most expensive and desirable plants on the market for two reasons. First, because white leaf variegation is incredibly rare! And second, it is a very tricky species to propagate.

This species is native to Central and South America, and most recognizable for the paint-like splashes of white along its dark-green leaves. It is a somewhat difficult plant to maintain, so isn’t recommended for beginner plant owners.


You should only give it water when needed. Simply check the first few inches of soil with your finger. If the soil is dry, water it moderately. Give it water until the liquid begins to drain out of the pot, then remove excess water from the tray.


This plant has less chlorophyll than most (hence the white streaks on its leaves), so it needs as much bright, indirect sunlight as possible. You can place it near south or east-facing windows that don’t get direct sun.

If you can’t find a place that gives enough indirect light to your plant, consider using an artificial grow light. Without enough light, your plant’s leaf variegation may fade over time.


These plants need loose, aerated, well-draining soil. We recommend an even mix of regular soil, orchid bark, and perlite. This ensures that you have a potting mix that allows for enough drainage.

Soil that becomes easily waterlogged will stop the flow of oxygen to the roots of the plant, suffocating it. And constantly moist roots will inevitably lead to root rot. It’s very important to keep this in mind as the Monstera borsigiana albo is prone to root rot.


Use a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength. Apply the fertilizer once a month from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. This will give the plant enough nutrients to grow at full strength throughout this period.

Plant growth will slow and become dormant from autumn to winter, so you can stop using fertilizer over these periods.


For this plant, a humid environment is absolutely essential to promote growth! Ideal conditions will include humidity of 70 to 85%. If your house falls a little under that, you can group it amongst other plants in a crowded area. Otherwise, you may want to purchase a humidifier. High humidity will give your Monstera borsigiana albo the chance to prosper.


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