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These houseplants are all easy to grow and generally tolerate irregular watering, poor or insufficient light, and unstable temperatures.
These very adaptable plants will grow just fine anywhere!
Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (botanical name) grows well under low or bright light conditions and with frequent or much less frequent watering. The ZZ plant is an easy to grow and care for houseplant with small, glossy leaves on stems that can grow up to 3 feet long indoors.
VIEW PRODUCTEpipremnum sp.
The Pothos plant is considered by many to be a good introduction to the care of houseplants. Since Pothos' care is quite simple, this beautiful plant is an easy way to add some greenery to your room!
VIEW PRODUCTChlorophytum comosum
The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is considered one of the most adaptable and undemanding houseplants. This plant grows in a wide range of conditions and suffers from vert few diseases.
VIEW PRODUCTSansevieria sp.
The care of snake plants is very simple. These plants can be neglected for weeks at a time. With very little attention, it will reward you with fresh looking leaves and bright appearance. They are also known to survive under low light levels, resist drought and have few insect problems.
VIEW PRODUCTSpathiphyllum sp.
When it comes to houseplants, peace lilies are among the easiest plants to care for. Spathiphyllum - or more commonly named closet plants, are a popular choice for offices and homes. It will bring a bright touch of color with very little maintenance.
VIEW PRODUCTMonstera deliciosa
The Swiss Cheese Plant has the most interesting leaves and needs a gardener willing to reserve extra space indoors (it grows quite tall when mature). This beauty is a low-maintenance, large-leaved plant with characteristic split leaves.