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Monstera adansonii - 2"

$ 12.00

aka Swiss Cheese plant.  A must have for the urban jungle.  Offer a vertical structure (moss pole) for optimal growth.

  • Light: bright indirect
  • Soil: organic well draining
  • Water: keep slightly moist but not wet.  Mist often.
  • Fertilizer: slow release

Available in 2" nursery pot


If you are in a cold climate region, please order a Heat Pack and consider upgrading to Next Day Shipping to minimize cold damage that may result from adverse weather conditions.
Please note that we cannot be responsible for any shipping delays or damage due to inclimate weather .


Our customers love our plants and seldom return them. However, we'll be happy to help if you find our products below expectations.
Please read our return policy here.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

All potted and watch it grow. Fingers crossed. Thanks, plants sure do look healthy.

Ericka Mancini

the monstera came in and is doing well! we even have a new leaf :) the tradescantia however came in with severe root rot and we have had to cut it back almost completely. praying it takes roots again.


Beautiful plant. I'm excited to bring some life back into it and watch it grow. The company paid extra for signed delivery and the delivery person did not knock so they claimed no secure location, so after paying for next day delivery they all three had to wait in the box all wrapped up for another day in the cold Midwest. Luckily after I called to complain yesterday for not leaving my plants, they delivered first things in the morning and left it. Once again didn't knock.... But I got them finally in my happy plant environment. Fingers crossed for a better experience next time. 🤞🫶