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Streptocarpus assorted - 2"

$ 12.00

Aka Cape primrose.  Streptocarpus or cape primrose is african violets hardier cousin. They like the air around them to be relatively cool, around 70 F. during the day and about 10 degrees cooler at night. This plant loves light, but direct sunlight can burn the foliage. A home in an east- or west-facing window is perfect. Allow Streptocarpus to dry out between watering. Do not overwater.
Not toxic to pet.

  • Light: filtered sun
  • Soil: organic mix
  • Water: keep slightly moist w/ moderate humidity
  • Fertilizer: slow release

Available as assorted in 2" nursery container


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Please note that we cannot be responsible for any shipping delays or damage due to inclimate weather .


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