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Pilea peperomioides - 2"

$ 8.00

aka "Chinese Money Plant." These are great starter plants with adorable circular foliage.

  • Light: Bright indirect light
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Water: Only water when the soil has completely dried out. May increase watering during warmer months.
  • Fertilizer: liquid during growing season

Available in 2" nursery pot.


If you are in a cold climate region, please order a Heat Pack and consider upgrading to Next Day Shipping to minimize cold damage that may result from adverse weather conditions.
Please note that we cannot be responsible for any shipping delays or damage due to inclimate weather .


Our customers love our plants and seldom return them. However, we'll be happy to help if you find our products below expectations.
Please read our return policy here.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
In love

Soo in love thank you so so much!


This plant came is excellent condition and is thriving! It was carefully packaged and shipping time was what was expected.

Fantastic !!

Recieved my planta after a week in the mail. They were a little rough for the wear. Gave them a nice long drink and put them under lights. I'm happy to say 24 days later the begonia maculata is doing great and putting out new growth.


Lost 2 leaves


I live in the white mountains in a rural area. I ordered 7 plants including this one in February. I was hesitant to order for that reason but there was a sale and I loved the variety or plants and needed a dopamine hit with some new plants. My package was delayed at no fault of the company but of our mail person and I grew more concerned as the weather had taken a drastic dip back into winter temps. When the package was delivered,despite being clearly labeled fragile it was thrown on its side and the box had been damaged. I scanned the clear QR CODE one the top of the box once inside preparing for plants that may not be savable. However the care and detail to packaging this plants were in as a group and individually let them with little to no damage. Only one plant looked a little dried out with a bruised leaf and I’m confident when it’s acclimated and watered it will look just as PERFECT as the other 6 plants. This is a 11 out of 10 experience!