Monstera thai constellation are probably the most famous indoor plant species. The name, "thai constellation" comes from the fact that it actually comes from a single tissue culture laboratory in Thailand (Thai) and that the foliage resembles that of a starry night sky (constellation). If you are interested to get your hands on one or already have one, here's more detailed information about how to take care of this gem:
Water when the top 1" to 2" of soil is dry. You can expect to water it at least once a week. Make sure to water thoroughly allowing water to drain completely.
Make sure that the roots never dry out. However, do not let any water accumulate, leading to plant suffocation and death.
Overwatering the plant may cause stress and infections. It goes the same way around: a very dry plant will grow orange/yellow leaves and lose its structural strength.
Pro tip: it is sometimes recommended to water the plant with low-chlorine and lukewarm water. Always check on the soil: don't water on a fixed time interval.
Your Monstera thai constellation will thrive under bright, indirect light.
Keep in mind that this species of monstera will need more light than others because of the fact that the white leaves cannot absorb light. As a result, the plant needs to word harder to photosynthesize.
We recommend using a mix of 50% perlite and 50% peat-based soil mix. A good soil for Monstera thai constellation is a slightly acidic soil (ph5 to 7.5).
You can fertilize Monstera thai constellation about once a month. You can use an organic house plant fertilizer.
However, make sure to not fertilize during winter months - you can only do it during the growing season.
Monstera thai constellation will thrive with humidity levels over 60%.
However, since your apartment or house is probably not that humid, make sure to maintain the roots and the medium moist at all times.
If your house or the immediate surroundings around the plant is quite dry, you might need to use humidifiers or pebble trays. You can also mist indirectly only in the mornings so that leaves have time to dry out during the day.