Top 10 houseplants to improve mental health

Houseplants play a surprisingly significant role in promoting mental health. Here's how:
- Stress Reduction: Studies have shown that being around plants can reduce stress levels. Interacting with plants can lower blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormone).
- Mood Boost: Caring for plants can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, leading to improved mood and reduced feelings of anxiety or depression.
- Improved Focus and Cognition: Plants can enhance cognitive function, improving memory, attention, and concentration.
- Connection with Nature: For those who live in urban environments, houseplants can provide a vital connection to nature, promoting feelings of peace and tranquility.
Incorporating houseplants into your living or workspace can be a simple yet effective way to support your mental well-being.
Check out our collection of BEGINNER'S HOUSEPLANTS that are easy, low maintenance, and brighten up any room!
Here's our current top 10 list:
1. African Violets
The vibrant hues of African violets, particularly blues and purples, are often associated with feelings of calmness and serenity. These colors may help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Studies suggest that exposure to green environments can improve concentration and attention span. Having aglaonema around your workspace or home office might help you stay focused and productive.
3.Cast Iron Plant
One of the best things about Cast iron plants is their ability to tolerate neglect. This can be a real stress reliever for people who worry about keeping plants alive! Knowing that your cast iron plant can withstand less-than-ideal conditions can provide a sense of ease and reduce feelings of pressure or responsibility.
4. Dypsis lutescens
Its association with tropical environments can create a sense of escapism, allowing you to mentally transport yourself to a more relaxed and carefree setting. And it's a relatively easy plant to maintain!
The vibrant colors and patterns of dracaena leaves, like those found in the popular 'Lemon Lime' or 'Tricolor' varieties, can be visually stimulating and uplifting, promoting a more positive mood. Dracaena are also easily available and with so many varieties available and their adaptability, you can green space almost any room in your home!
6. Lucky Bamboo
The association of lucky bamboo with good fortune and prosperity can create a positive mindset and boost optimism, contributing to improved mood and emotional well-being. These can survive in water long term making them ideal as all you'll have to do is top off every so often.
7.Spider Plant
Spider plants are not only easy but they will produce plantlets quickly giving you a sense of accomplishment that you're a good plant parent! Snip babies off and share with friends! They're adaptable and can take some neglect.
8. Peperomia
Many peperomia varieties have thick, textured leaves that are pleasant to touch. This tactile interaction can be soothing and calming, reducing stress and anxiety.
9. Peace Lily
The peace lily's name itself evokes a sense of serenity and calm. Its presence can create a peaceful atmosphere, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. They will also "alert" you when they need to be watered as the leaves will slowly start to droop.
10. ZZ plant
The ZZ plant's ability to thrive in low-light conditions and with infrequent watering can be inspiring. It serves as a reminder of resilience and adaptability, which can be encouraging during challenging times.